How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Saturday, October 20, 2018
Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about determining AIR CONDITIONER OR FURNACE AGE:
• How do I determine the age of my air conditioner?
• How do I determine the age of my air conditioner if the serial number is missing or not legible?
• How can I tell the age of an Affinity air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Affinity air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of an Aire-Flo air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of an Aire-Flo air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of an Airquest air conditioner, heat pump, or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of my Allied Air heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Allied Air heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of an Amana air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How can I determine the age of an Amana furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of an Amana air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I determine the age of an American Standard furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of an Ameristar air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size of an Ameristar air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of an Arcoaire air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of an Arcoaire air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I tell the age of an Armstrong Air furnace or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of an Aspen evaporator coil or air handler from serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Bard air conditioner from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Bard air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I find the age of a Bosch heat pump from the serial number?
• How do I find the size in tons of a Bosch heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of my Broan air conditioner, heat pump or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Broan air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Bryant air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I determine the age of a Bryant furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Bryant air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a CAC/BDP or BDP air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a CAC/BDP air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Carrier air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I determine the age of a Carrier furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size of a Carrier air conditioner or heat pump in tons from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Champion air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Champion air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a ClimateMaster heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Climatemaster heat pump?
• What size in tons is my Coleman or Coleman-Evcon heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Comfort Pack air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• What size in tons if my Comfort Pack air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a Comfortmaker air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Concord heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Concord heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Cumberland air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Cumberland air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can tell the age of a Daikin air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Daikin air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I tell the age of a Daizuki heat pump or air conditioner?
• How do I determine the size of tons of a Daizuki heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Day & Night heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Day & Night heat pump or air conditioner?
• How do I determine the age of a DiamondAir heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Ducane air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Ducane air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How do I find the age of a DuctlessAire heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How do I find the size in tons of a DuctlessAire heat pump or air conditioner from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of an EcoTemp air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my EcoTemp air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I tell the age of a Fedders furnace or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a FHP (Florida Heat Pump) geothermal heat pump for the serial number?
• What size in tons is a FHP (Florida Heat Pump) geothermal het pump from the model number?
• How do I tell the age of a Franklin heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I find the size in tons of a Franklin heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Friedrich heat pump from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Friedrich heat pump or air conditioner from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Frigidaire air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Frigidaire heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Fujitsu air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Fujitsu heat pump or air conditioner?
• What size in tons is my GE (General Electric) heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Gibson heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Gibson heat pump or air conditioner from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Goodman air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Goodman air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I tell the age of a Goodman furnace from the serial number?
• How do I tell the age of a Grandaire air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Grandaire air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I determine the age of Gree heat pump from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Guardian air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Guardian air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I find the age of a Haier heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Heil air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Heil heat pump or air conditioner?
• How many tons is my International Comfort air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I determine the age of an Intertek ETL heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of an Inter-City Products air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Inter-City Products air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a Janitrol air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Janitrol air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Johnstone air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Kelvinator air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Kelvinator heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Lennox air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Lennox air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I tell the age of a Lennox furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of an LG heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my LG heat pump air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Luxaire air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Luxaire air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Magic-Pak heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Magic-Pak heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a MagicAire HVAC unit from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Maytag heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Maytag air conditioner or heat pump from model number?
• How do I find the age of a Midea heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How do I find the size in tons of a Midea heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Miller air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Miller air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I determine the age of a Mitsubishi Ductless Mini-Split heat pump from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Mitsubishi air conditioner or heat pump from model number?
• How can I tell the age of a MrCool heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my MrCool heat pump air conditioner?
• How can I tell age of National Comfort Products heat pump or air conditioner from serial number?
• What size in tons is my National Comfort Products heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Nordyne air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size of a Nordyne air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Nortek heat pump, air conditioner, or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Nortek heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a NuTone heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How many tons is my NuTone heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Panasonic heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Panasonic air conditioner or heat pump from model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Payne air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Payne air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I determine the age of a Pioneer mini-split heat pump from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Pioneer mini-split heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a RADCO heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Rheem heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Rheem air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a RunTru heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How do I tell the size in tons of a RunTru heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Ruud air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Ruud air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a Samsung heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Samsung heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a Sanyo heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Sears Kenmore air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Sears Kenmore air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I determine the age of a Senville heat pump air conditioner from the serial number?
• How do I determine the size in tons of a Senville heat pump air conditioner from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of an old Singer air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the age of a Stylecrest Revolv heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• How do I determine the age of a Tappan air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How do I find the size in tons of a Tappan air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How do I find the size in tons of a Tappan air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Tempstar furnace from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Tempstar air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the age of a Thermal Zone air conditioner from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Thermal Zone heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Trane furnace from the serial number?
• How do I determine the age of a Trane air conditioner or heat pump?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a Trane air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I tell the age of a Unitary Products air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?
• How many tons is my Unitary Products air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I tell the size in tons of my WeatherKing air conditioner or heat pump?
• How do I determine the age of a Westinghouse furnace?
• How can I tell the age of a Westinghouse heat pump or air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is my Westinghouse heat pump or air conditioner?
• How can I tell the age of a Xenon air conditioner from the serial number?
• What size in tons is a Xenon air conditioner or heat pump from model number?
• How can I tell the age of a York air conditioner or furnace from the serial number?
• How can I tell the size in tons of a York air conditioner or heat pump from the model number?
• How can I determine the age of a York heat pump from the serial number?
• How do I find the age of a GE Zoneline air conditioner or heat pump from the serial number?

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