How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Saturday, December 15, 2018
Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about the WIND MITIGATION FORM:
• Who can perform a wind mitigation inspection in Florida?
• How much does a wind mitigation inspection cost?
• Why is my insurance company requiring a Wind Mitigation inspection?
• How long does it take for a wind mitigation inspection?
• Is a wind mitigation inspection transferable from previous homeowner to new homeowner?
• What is checked during a wind mitigation inspection?
• Is a wind mitigation inspection report (OIR-B1-1802) required for homeowners insurance in Florida?
• Which building permit date is used for the Building Code section of the wind mitigation form?
• What are the different roof deck attachment discount categories for a wind mitigation inspection?
• What determines the year of a house?
• How do I get the hip roof discount for my homeowners windstorm insurance?
• Can I do my own wind mitigation inspection?
• What’s the difference between a gable and hip roof for my insurance?
• What is the wind mitigation inspection for homeowner's insurance?
• Why did I get no discounts or only a small discount from my wind mitigation inspection?
• How can I tell how hurricane resistant a Florida house is before I buy it?
• How long does a wind mitigation inspection remain valid?
• What is a wind mitigation discount?
• Do I get a a discount for partial hurricane shutters in a Wind Mitigation inspection?
• Why did I get no discount for roof-to-wall-attachment in my Wind Mitigation report?
• What’s the difference between a four-point and wind mitigation inspection?
• What is the discount for Secondary Water Resistance (SWR) on a Wind Mitigation Inspection Report (OIR-B1-1802)?
• How much does a wind mitigation inspection save on insurance?
• What is the discount for gable end bracing in a Wind Mitigation Inspection (OIR-B1-1802)?
• Does RhinoRoof® underlayment qualify to the Secondary Water Resistance (SWR) discount on a Florida Wind Mitigation (OIR-B1-1802) inspection?
• What is the difference between the HVHZ (High Velocity Hurricane Zone) and the Wind-Borne Debris Region in Florida Building Code?
• If the strap has 2 nails at my roof trusses, what credit do I get on my wind mitigation inspection?
• Is a digital signature acceptable for customers on the Florida Wind Mitigation Form (OIR-B1-1802)?
• Can I get a wind mitigation inspection for a mobile home?
• Can I get a wind mitigation inspection for a modular home?
• Why didn't I get the hip roof discount on my wind mitigation inspection?
• Is it worth it to upgrade my roof tie-down hurricane straps for a better wind mitigation insurance discount?
• When did Florida start requiring re-nailing of roof deck sheathing for a roof replacement?
• What would cause a roof to fail the wind mitigation inspection?
• Can I get wind mitigation inspection discounts on my commercial building insurance in Florida?
• What is Secondary Water Resistance (SWR) for the Florida wind mitigation inspection form?
• What types of documentation/proof of roof-deck attachment are acceptable for the Florida wind mitigation form (OIRC-B1-1802)?
• What types of documentation/proof of roof-to-wall connection are acceptable for the Florida wind mitigation form (OIRC-B1-1802)?
• What types of documentation/proof of secondary water resistance (SWR) are acceptable for the Florida wind mitigation form (OIRC-B1-1802)?
• What types of documentation/proof of year built of home are acceptable for the Florida wind mitigation form (OIRC-B1-1802)?
• Does hurricane shutter installation require a building permit in Florida?
• What happens to my Florida wind mitigation insurance discount for hurricane shutters/windows if even only one opening is not protected?
• Does a Florida Wind Mitigation report evaluate roof condition?
• What photos are required for a wind mitigation report (OIR-B1-1802) in Florida?
• Is a half-hip roof considered a hip roof for a Florida wind mitigation inspection?
• Does a Dutch Gable count as a gable or hip for the Florida wind mitigation inspection?
• How much do I save on my homeowners insurance with secondary water resistance on the roof?

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