How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Thursday, May 17, 2018
Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about “PLUMBING":
• Is black iron gas pipe code approved for exterior (outdoor) installation?
• The cover plate of my water meter box is broken. Who is responsible to fix it?
• Honey, who shrunk the toilet?
• How can I protect my pipes to keep them from bursting during a hard winter freeze in North Florida?
• Is a double heating element water heater better than a single element water heater?
• Can galvanized steel pipe still be used for new water lines in a house?
• Can a water meter box (vault) be installed below ground level (grade)?
• How can I tell if I have cast iron pipes in my house?
• Is it alright to have a shut-off valve on both the hot and cold water pipes at a water heater?
• Why can't a sanitary tee be used for a horizontal-to-horizontal drain pipe connection?
• Why is a damaged hose faucet handle a safety defect?
• Is a washing machine drain hose required to be secured at the standpipe?
• What are the abandoned pipes sticking out of the wall in my house?
• What is the difference between green and white sewer drain pipes?
• Why is the vacuum breaker at my hose faucet leaking, gushing water, or making funny sounds?
• Why is the cover plate of some water meter boxes in the ground painted purple?
• How do I find the main water shut off valve for my house?
• Why is it a problem when a trap under a sink is installed backwards?
• What are the code requirements for plumbing vent terminations?
• What are the code requirements for layout of drain piping under sinks?
• Why is there sand in the bottom of my toilet tank?
• What are the building code requirements for gray water reuse in Florida?
• What is the difference between a sill cock, hose bibb, hose faucet, outdoor faucet, and hose spigot?
• What causes a gurgling sound when a bathtub or sink drains?
• Does a water heater need a shut-off valve?
• How can I tell the difference between Corrugated Stainless Steel Tubing (CSST) and a Flexible Appliance Connector (FAC)?
• Is it normal to smell gas near a natural gas meter?
• What is the difference between a vent stack and a stack vent?
• What is a "fixture unit" for plumbing?
• Are drop-in toilet bowl cleaner tablets safe?
• What is a "combination waste and vent" in a plumbing system?
• What causes water dripping down the flue (condensation) at a gas water heater?
• How does a retrofit hot water recirculation system work?
• What can I add to my septic tank to help it work better?
• What are the minimum requirements for a shower?
• Why do septic tank contractors want you to get rid of your kitchen disposal?
• Why is garbage disposal not allowed at a combination waste and vent (CW&V) under a sink?
• Why is there mold inside my toilet tank?
• Does a "QEST" brand mark on pipe mean that it is polbutylene (PB)?
• What are the pros and cons of a wall-mounted toilet?
• Does a refrigerator water supply line require a shutoff valve behind it?
• What is a galvanized nipple?
• Which plumbing fixtures require water shut off valves in a home?
• Is a hot water faucet required at a washing machine?
• What is a sediment trap or dirt leg?
• What are the pipes sticking out near my water valves?
• Can PEX pipe be installed outside?
• Is PEX pipe freeze resistant?
• What is an indirect waste receptor?
• How do you accurately find a broken water pipe leak under the floor slab?
• What is the difference between water pipe and sewage (waste) pipe?
• How can I tell if a house is connected to a septic tank system or sewer?
• What is the average life expectancy of PEX pipe?
• What type water supply and drain (DWV) pipes were commonly used for 1990s residential plumbing?
• What is the average life expectancy of galvanized steel pipe?
• What is the average life expectancy of cast iron pipe?
• What type water supply and drain (DWV) pipes were commonly used for 1970s residential plumbing?
• Should I seal the washing machine drain hose to the standpipe?
• What type water supply and drain (DWV) pipes were commonly used for 1960s residential plumbing?
• What type water supply and drain (DWV) pipes were commonly used for 1950s residential plumbing?
• Are plastic pipes (PVC, CPVC, and PEX) safe for drinking water?
• What do the ABS, PVC, CPVC, PB, and PEX plumbing pipe names mean?
• Why is a backflow preventer required on lawn sprinkler systems?
• How can I locate my septic tank?
• Does a septic tank have to be re-certified if a house has been vacant for a while?
• Does code require a water shut-off valve for dishwashers?
• Is a shut off valve in-line on a supply line to a plumbing fixture acceptable?
• Is a hot water faucet handle required to be on the left?
• Can you live in a house while the plumbing is being replaced?
• What is the loose wire sticking out of the ground under the gas meter for?
• Why is sunlight exposure bad for PVC pipe?
• What is an escutcheon plate?
• What are the requirements for installing a gas appliance connector?
• Why is the European-style bottle trap not approved by the plumbing codes in the U.S.?
• What is an auto vent, air admittance valve, or check vent?
• What is the average life expectancy of PVC pipe?
• Why can't PVC be used for water pipe inside a house?
• What is the average life expectancy of copper pipe?
• What are the common problems to look for when the plumbing has been replaced in a house?
• What's that powdery crust on the pipe connections at the water heater?
• Why are rubber washing machine hoses a safety risk?
• What are the minimum clearances around a toilet?
• What is that pipe sticking out of the ground in the yard?
• Can I make a trap under the sink from straight pipe and 90º elbows?
• What type of white plastic pipe has the marking CP-112-P in red letters?
• What is the little tank on top of the water heater for?
• How do you test a shower pan for leaks?
• If all the plumbing drains have water in them and you can still smell sewer gas, what's causing the problem?
• How can I tell what type of plumbing pipe I have?
• Why is there a flexible accordion pipe under the sink?
• What is the difference between PVC and ABS plumbing pipe?
• What is that big thing in the toilet tank?
• Is a replacement water heater required to have a pan with a drain?
• What causes low water pressure in a house?
• What is the difference between water service pipe and water supply pipe?
• How often should I pump out the septic tank?
• Should I call a plumber or septic tank contractor when my septic tank backs up into the house?
• Do I have to get a larger septic tank when I build a home addition?
• How do I get rid of the sewer gas smell in my house?
• What are the pipes on my roof?
• Should I wrap the water heater with an insulation blanket?
• My water bill went way up last month. How do I look for a leak?
• Why are shower water valves all single-handle nowadays?
• What is a "cross connection" in a home's plumbing system?
• Why does the water have a rotten-egg smell in some empty houses?
• What is the white plastic tank inside my toilet tank?
• What is an "S-Trap" under my sink? Why is it a problem?
• Where is the septic tank? Are you going to inspect it?
• Why is old galvanized steel water pipe a problem for homebuyers?
• What does polybutylene pipe look like? Why is it a problem?
• Which water pipes are an insurance problem and possibly uninsurable?
• Does a home inspector check the plumbing under the floor slab?
• What is the difference between gray water and black water in the plumbing code?
• What is the difference between regular tap water and recycled/reclaimed water for landscape irrigation?
• What problems are caused by connecting copper pipe/tubing directly to galvanized steel pipe?
• What are the most common plumbing problems with older houses?
• Is a shower pan leak test a required part of a home inspection?
• Can I install a commercial (wall-mounted flushometer) toilet in my home?
• Is a sink required to have a drain stopper?
• Can a laundry sink drain be installed without a trap under it?
• What is a drum trap at a plumbing drain?
• Does a home inspector check toilets?
• Can a dishwasher drain hose be connected after the sink trap (to the trap arm)?
• How far away from the sink can I install a dishwasher?
• What is a "high drain loop" or "air gap" in a dishwasher drain hose?
• When were shower control valves first required by code to be pressure balanced and temperature limiting?
• Is a vacuum breaker required by code at hose bibbs (outside faucets)?
• What is the minimum and maximum distance a P-trap can be below a sink?
• Is an air admittance valve (AAV) legal by code?
• What is a double trap in plumbing?
• How close can electrical be to plumbing in a house?
• What is a bell trap at a plumbing drain?
• What plumbing traps are illegal by code?
• What is a plumbing cross connection?
• What is the average life expectancy of a sink?
• Can a plumbing vent terminate in the attic?
• Does code require an access panel for a whirlpool spa tub?
• How many hose bibbs (outdoor faucets) are required by code for a house?
• What is the minimum and maximum slope of the trap arm of a plumbing drain?
• What is the minimum trap arm length?
• Why is my water meter box full of water?
• Do I need a vacuum breaker valve for washing machine hose faucets?
• What is the code minimum size of a dishwasher water supply line?

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