How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Sunday, May 27, 2018
Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about TERMITES, WOOD ROT AND PESTS:
• Should I be worried about termites if my neighbor's house is being tented?
• How do I safely remove a dead rodent (rat, mouse or squirrel) from the attic?
• What does termite damage look like?
• How do termites get into a brick house?
• Is the WDO (termite) inspector allowed to poke holes in my wood siding and trim?
• Do carpenter ants cause structural damage to houses in Florida?
• How long before closing can you have a WDO (termite) inspection done?
• How long does Bora-Care® last?
• Where are the most common places to find wood rot on a house?
• Why is it a mistake to store lumber in the crawl space under a house?
• Does the presence of carpenter ants in a house indicate that there are probably also termites?
• How do termites infest a house and remain hidden while doing major damage?
• Are homes in Florida required to have termite protection?
• If termite damage appears to be old, does that mean that termites may no longer be present?
• How do I know if my WDO/termite report is "clear"?
• What does roach poop (fecal pellets) look like?
• When do termites swarm in Florida?
• Does a recent termite company inspection sticker mean there are no termites?
• Can a mobile/manufactured home get termites?
• Do I have to tent the house if I have termites?
• What is the difference between a subterranean termite and a drywood termite?
• What are the green plastic discs in the ground around the house?
• How does a home inspector evaluate wood rot?
• Does wood rot spread? Is it contagious?
• How do termites get into a concrete block house?
• How do I treat wood rot that's listed in my termite-WDO report?
• What causes wood rot on a home?
• Do I really need a termite-WDO inspection?
• What's causing those holes in the fascia?
• Does wood chip mulch in the yard attract termites?
• Why is the inspector calling out rotten wood on my termite inspection?
• I think I have termites. What does a termite look like?
• I'm buying a concrete block house. Do I still need a termite inspection?
• I saw a little termite damage on the baseboard. Should I be concerned?
• Is wood rot found on a home inspection considered serious?
• Why do termite inspectors tap the wood siding and baseboard wood in a home?
• Is a ground treatment for termites required before installation of a new mobile/manufactured home?
• What are the building code requirements for making a house termite resistant?
• What areas of the exterior of a home is a termite (WDO) inspector in Florida required to inspect?
• When is an access panel considered not accessible for a Florida termite (WDO) inspector?
• What does a termite mud tube look like?
• Do I need a termite inspection for an FHA loan?
• Do I need a termite inspection for a VA loan?
• What areas of the country are most likely to have drywood termite infestations occur?
• Do I need a termite inspection for a USDA loan?
• Is wood-decay fungi found during a termite (WDO) inspection the same as mold?
• Can a termite inspector guarantee that there are no termites in a house?
• Does a home inspector check for termites?
• Can termites eat through siding?
• What is the average life expectancy of a termite ground treatment?
• Are temite shields required by code?
• Can termites get through a concrete slab?
• Does a termite inspector also check for carpenter ants?
• Does a termite inspector also check for carpenter bees?
• Does a home inspector check for rodents?
• Does a home inspector check for roaches and ants?
• Do I need a termite inspection if the seller has a termite bond?
• What attracts termites to a house?
• Is mold a wood destroying organism?
• Is a termite shield required for new houses?
• Why is stucco that goes into the ground a problem at a wood frame house?
• Is a borate treatment effective for termite prevention?
• Does tenting (fumigation) kill subterranean termites?
• What is that new termite in Florida that also eats live trees?
• What are Florida requirements for new home termite treatment?
• How long does tent fumigation keep drywood termites away?
• Does a homebuyer’s pest inspection include rats, mice, bedbugs, roaches, and ants?
• What is code for termite protection for new homes in Florida?
• How can I keep wasps out of my electrical panel box?

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