How To Look At A House
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Does an above-ground pool require a building permit?
Thursday, June 14, 2018
No, that inflatable kiddie pool you bought at Walmart does not need a permit. But any pool, above ground or not, with water 24-inches deep or more requires a permit and inspection by the local building department according to the International Residential Code (IRC) and Florida Building Code (FBC).
Some might call this another crazy government intrusion on the rights of citizens to enjoy their private property without being hassled. But the issue is child safety. Two feet is the level at which a small child can drown and the code restrictions are intended to limit access for children, both yours and any others in the neighborhood that might wander onto the property, from falling into an unattended pool. See our blog post Does an above-ground pool have to comply with code requirements for a swimming pool barrier?
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Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about POOL AND SPA:
• What are the pros and cons of vinyl liner vs fiberglas vs concrete in-ground pools?
• Can a pool with green, cloudy water be inspected?
• Should I refinish-resurface my pool with paint or plaster?
• Why are pool pumps now required to be variable speed?
Visit our POOL AND SPA page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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