How To Look At A House
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How do I safely remove a dead rodent (rat, mouse or squirrel) from the attic?
Monday, June 25, 2018
It’s important to follow a safe process when removing a dead rodent from the attic because of the possibility of bacterial or viral infection. Here’s what the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends:
- Wear rubber, latex or vinyl gloves.
- Spray the dead rodent, and any surrounding nest or droppings, with a disinfectant or bleach and water solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) until soaked, and let sit for 5 minutes.
- Place the dead rodent, and any surrounding nest or droppings, in a plastic bag and seal tightly. Place the full bag in a second plastic bag and seal tightly.
- Any exposed insulation that has been contaminated by the dead rodent, urine, droppings, or nest should also be placed in plastic bags for removal.
- Wipe clean any hard surfaces that have been sprayed with the disinfectant or bleach and water solution with a paper towel or rag.
- Throw the bag(s) in a covered trash can that is regularly emptied.
- Remove gloves, and thoroughly wash hands with soap and water. You can also use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap is not available and hands are not visibly soiled.
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Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about ATTICS:
• What are the mistakes to avoid when doing attic improvements?
• What are the hazards to avoid when going into an attic?
• W • What are the building code requirements for installing an appliance (furnace, air handler, water heater) in the attic?
• How do I safely remove a dead rodent (rat, mouse or squirrel) from the attic?
• What are the common problems with attic insulation?
• Why is there no attic access hatch in the house?
• How do I safely clean up rodent (rat, mouse or squirrel) urine or droppings the attic?
• Why is there no attic access hatch in the house?
• Is an attic required to have a light by the building code?
• What is the building code requirement for an attic access hatch, scuttle, or door?
• Why is vermiculite attic insulation a problem for both buyers and sellers of a home?
Visit our ROOF AND ATTIC and SAFETY pages for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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