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How long before closing can you have a WDO (termite) inspection done?
Thursday, June 14, 2018
Usually 30 Days Max
Most of the lending institutions we know of that require a “clean” WDO inspection at closing also require that it be less than 30 days old. However, some accept them for 60 or even 90 days after the inspection date. It depends on the lender. A clean WDO means that no live organisms, evidence of them, or damage from them was found.
WDO Inspections Include Wood Rot
Although a Wood Destroying Organism report is commonly called a “termite inspection,” the inspector is also required to search for, and report on, any evidence of wood-decay fungi (wood rot) and several species of wood-destroying beetles. Each state-mandated form is slightly different, but the circled area of the first page of the Florida form (shown above) that states “No visible signs” is an example of what you want to see on a report that is acceptable to the lender.
All VA loans for homes in areas on the TIP Zone Map (Termite Infestation Probability, shown below) labeled “Very Heavy” and “Moderate To Heavy” probability of termite infestation will require WDO report. Sometimes FHA and USDA do also. Florida is in the “Very Heavy” area.
A particular lender may request a WDO report, but most do not. If an appraiser sees evidence of termite damage or infestation during the appraisal, a WDO may be requested as a follow-up.
To lean about the history of the TIP Zone Map, see our blog post What is a TIP Zone Map?. Also, see our blog post Is the WDO (termite) inspector allowed to poke holes in my wood siding and trim?
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To learn more about termites, see these other blog posts:
• Should I be worried about termites if my neighbor's house is being tented?
• Is the WDO (termite) inspector allowed to poke holes in my wood siding and trim?
• Do carpenter ants cause structural damage to houses in Florida?
• How long before closing can you have a WDO (termite) inspection done?
• How long does Bora-Care® last?
• Why is it a mistake to store lumber in the crawl space under a house?
• Does the presence of carpenter ants in a house indicate that there are probably also termites?
• How do termites infest a house and remain hidden while doing major damage?
• Are homes in Florida required to have termite protection?
• If termite damage appears to be old, does that mean that termites may no longer be present?
• How do I know if my WDO/termite report is "clear"?
• When do termites swarm in Florida?
• Does a recent termite company inspection sticker mean there are no termites?
• Can a mobile/manufactured home get termites?
• Do I have to tent the house if I have termites?
• What is the difference between a subterranean termite and a drywood termite?
• What are the green plastic discs in the ground around the house?
• How do termites get into a concrete block house?
• How do I treat wood rot that's listed in my termite-WDO report?
• Do I really need a termite-WDO inspection?
• What's causing those holes in the fascia?
• Does wood chip mulch in the yard attract termites?
• I think I have termites. What does a termite look like?
• I'm buying a concrete block house. Do I still need a termite inspection?
• I saw a little termite damage on the baseboard. Should I be concerned?
Visit our TERMITES, WOOD ROT AND PESTS page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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