How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

What is a chert house?
Thursday, June 21, 2018
Chert is a local limestone rock that was quarried from the mid-1920s to the 1940s to construct homes in Gainesville, Florida, especially in the area around the University of Florida. It is an authentic indigenous architectural style and often, but not always, used with brick quoins to frame openings and at corners of the homes.
The use of chert declined after World War II as manufactured building materials like brick and “Ocala” block, which used ground limestone for color, became more popular. Chert houses were usually of modest size, and many have been razed over the years to make way for larger homes and commercial buildings. Less than 100 chert homes still remain in the city.
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Here’s links to a collection of our other blog posts about OLDER AND HISTORIC HOUSES:
• What are the most common plumbing problems with older houses?
• Is this old home a Sears Catalog house? • What are the most common problems with older houses?
• Why is an old fuse box/panel an insurance problem for homebuyers?
• Why is there no bathroom electric receptacle in this old house?
• Does a home inspector expect the electrical system of an older house to meet current code standards?
Visit our OLDER AND HISTORIC HOUSES page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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