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What is the difference between regular tap water and recycled/reclaimed water for landscape irrigation?
Thursday, June 21, 2018
The big concern that many homebuyers have about purchasing a home that has a reclaimed wastewater irrigation system is the health risk. But the possibility of any pathogens lingering in recycled water in Florida is eliminated by the disinfection requirements set by Chapter 62-610 of the Florida Administrative Code. While it not drinkable, the water is safe.
Reclaimed water does have salts and nutrients that are not in drinking water, though, and the nutrients can be a good thing. The City of Saint Petersburg, for example, has used recycled wastewater for irrigation of golf courses and residential yards since the 1970s, and estimates that homeowners get about 50% of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium necessary for their lawn and plantings from the water. Cutting the fertilizer bill in half is an unexpected, but pleasant, side effect of tapping into their reclaimed water system.
The accumulation of salts in the soil can be a problem for grasses and plants with a low salt tolerance, but is a lesser issue in Florida due to regular, soaking rainfall that leaches any salts away.
In some areas, like where we live in The Villages, the reclaimed irrigation water is a combination of stormwater runoff collected in water retention areas, reclaimed wastewater, and ground water, with the proportions of the mix adjusted according to availability at different times of the year. The University of Florida IFAS Extension Service recommends contacting your local utility to get a report on the nutrient and salt content of your reclaimed water for a better understanding of what’s in it.
The covers for recycled water meter boxes are a different color than regular (potable) meters. See our blog post Why is the cover plate of some water meter boxes in the ground painted purple? for more.
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