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site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

What is the purpose of a stabilizer plate for manufactured/mobile home tie-downs?
Saturday, June 16, 2018
Resists Lateral Movement
A stabilizer plate is especially important in Florida because of our sandy soil. All anchors for diagonal straps must have one to prevent the anchor from being dragged sideways through the soil towards the frame due to a lateral load on the tie-down strap, such as one caused by hurricane winds.
The spade-shape shown in the diagram above is an example of stabilizer plate. Two exceptions to the requirement are when: 1) the anchor is installed diagonally and aligned with the strap, or 2) the strap is vertical.
Must Be “Listed"
The stabilizer plate must be hot-dip galvanized steel or ABS plastic, with a minimum surface area of 180 square inches, and listed by the Florida Department of Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Motorist Services, Manufactured Housing Section. “Listed” means that it is on their list of components approved for installation in Florida. The plate will have an identification number stamped on it by the manufacturer that matches one on the approved list. Do not assume that a stabilizer plate is Florida-listed because you purchased it at at a store in Florida.
The plate should be installed with the top flush (exposed) at ground level for an inspector to view. Also, there is a long groove down the center of the plate that the anchor should snug into for it to stay in place and function properly. Stabilizer plates are not required at vertical tie-downs that have no diagonal/frame tie attached.
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