How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Can you do a home inspection in the rain?
Wednesday, July 4, 2018
When the sky darkens and rain pours down just before a scheduled home inspection, or even if thunderstorms only threaten, our customer or their realtor will sometimes call to see if we can still do the inspection. The answer is almost always yes.
There's two reasons why. First, in Florida the rain rarely lasts more than an hour or so, so we simply reverse the normal sequence of our work and do the interior of the home first. Eventually the rain lets up, if only for a while, and we do the outside of the home.
The only problem is that all roof types, but especially shingles, look newer and in better condition when wet. Older roofs need to be dry to accurately evaluate, so we might have to return the next day to take another look at the roof. But everything else in the inspection can be accomplished.
And second, there are even advantages to inspecting when it is raining or has recently rained. Roof leaks are easier to spot, both visually and with an infrared camera. Also, site rainwater drainage and gutter defects can checked in action. So a wet day is a good one for a home inspection.
Click on any of the links below to read other articles about what is required to be included, or not, in a home inspection:
AFCI •• Air conditioner •• Ants •• Appliance recalls •• Appliance testing •• Attic •• Awnings •• Barns and ag blgs. •• Bathroom exhaust fan •• Bonding •• Carpet •• Ceiling fans •• Central vacuum •• Chimneys •• Chinese drywall •• Clothes dryer •• Dryer exhaust •• CO alarms •• Code violations •• Condemn a house •• Crawl space •• Detached carport •• Detached garage •• Dishwasher •• Docks •• Doors •• Electrical •• Electrical panel •• Electromagnetic radiation •• Fences •• Fireplaces Furnace •• Garbage disposal •• Generator •• GFCIs •• Gutters •• Ice maker •• Inspect in the rain •• Insulation •• Insurance •• Interior Finishes •• Grading & drainage •• Lead paint •• Level of thoroughness •• Lift carpet •• Low voltage wiring •• Microwave •• Mold •• Move things •• Help negotiate •• Not allowed •• Outbuildings •• Paint •• Permits •• Pilot lights •• Plumbing •• Plumbing under slab •• Pools •• Questions won't answer •• Radon •• Range/cooktop •• Receptacle outlet •• Refrigerator •• Reinspection •• Remove panel cover •• Repairs •• Repair estimates •• Retaining walls •• Roaches •• Rodents •• Roof •• Screens •• Seawalls •• Septic loading dye test •• Septic tank •• Sewer lines •• Shower pan leak test •• Shutters •• Sinkholes •• Smoke alarms •• Solar panels •• Specify repairs •• Sprinklers •• Termites •• Toilets •• Trees •• Troubleshooting •• Wall air conditioners •• Walk roof •• Washing machine •• Water heater •• Water pressure •• Water shut-offs •• Main water shut-off •• Water softener •• Water treatment systems •• Well •• Windows •• Window/wall air conditioners •• Window blinds •• Wiring
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Here’s links to some of our other our blog posts about "DOES A HOME INSPECTOR…?":
• Does a home inspector give cost estimates for repairs?
• Can a home inspector do repairs to a house after doing the inspection?
• Does a home inspector lift up the carpet to look for cracks in the floor?
• What are the questions a home inspector won't (or shouldn't) answer?
• Does a home inspector make sure the house is up to code?
• How thorough is a home inspector required to be when inspecting a house?
• Does a home inspector check for permits?
• Is a home inspector allowed to open an electrical panel?
• Does a home inspector go into the crawl space under the house?
• Does a home inspector walk on the roof?
• Does a home inspector go in the attic?
• Does a home inspector specify repairs?
• Does a home inspector reinspect to verify repairs after an inspection?
Visit our HOME INSPECTION page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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