How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

How much venting is required for mobile home skirting?
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
The standard prescription for ventilation is one square inch of ventilation opening for every square foot of floor space of the home. Skirting with built-in ventilation holes is available or you can install solid decorative skirting, such as simulated brick or rock, and cut-in the required vents at regular intervals. The ventilation openings should be evenly distributed on all four sides of the home to get the necessary cross-ventilation air flow. Also, be sure to place a vent within 3-feet of each corner to prevent any “dead air” pockets in the corners, don’t block the vents with stored items in front of them, and repair any damaged areas of skirting.
Also, see our blog post Is it safe to go under a mobile home?
Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES:
• Are older mobile homes unsafe?
• What do I need to know about buying a foreclosed mobile home?
• Does it make sense to buy an older mobile home and remodel it?
• Where do I find the vehicle identification number (VIN) on a mobile home?
• How do I find out how old a mobile home is and who manufactured it?
• What does the HUD tag look like and where do I find it on a mobile home?
• Can you put a zone 1 mobile home in Florida?
• How can I remove water under my mobile home?
• What's the differences between a trailer, a mobile home, a manufactured home, and a modular home?
• What is a D-sticker mobile home?
• What are the tie-down requirements for a mobile home?
• How fireproof is a mobile home?
• Can I install a mobile home myself?
• What is a Park Model mobile home?
• Does an addition to a mobile home have to comply with the HUD Code?
• What walls can I remove in a mobile home?
• What can I do to prevent dampness and mold in my mobile home?
• How can I tell if a mobile home is well constructed?
• How can I tell the difference between a manufactured home and a modular home?
Visit our MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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