How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

How can I remove water under my mobile home?
Saturday, September 29, 2018
If you have puddles or muddy ground under your mobile home, the only way to remove the water is to eliminate the reason water is flowing under the home and then give the moisture time to dissipate. You can rent a sump pump to drain most of it to speed it up, but that is only a temporary solution. Wet soil under a home is usually the result of inadequate site preparation by the mobile home installer or deterioration over time of the original site grading. The simple principle behind prepping a site for a mobile home is that any rainwater flow should be diverted around and away from the home.
Poor site drainage also creates a second problem: because most manufactured homes in Florida are set on piers of stacked concrete blocks over a plastic or precast concrete foundation pads sitting on top of the ground, any water movement under the home will also wash away soil under the pads over time and cause a gradual leaning, then failure of the piers in the affected area.
A home on a sloped site should never be installed without site preparation. It is not uncommon for us to find shallow washout channels grooved into the soil under homes on a sloped site with inadequate site prep.
The diagram above shows the way rain water should drain around a home on sloped ground, with a minimum slope of 1/2-inch per foot for the first 10 feet away from the foundation. And the simplest way to achieve drainage away from the home is to create a raised pad for it, as shown in the diagram below.
But when you have an existing home on level or mildly sloped ground without a raised pad, an alternative solution is to add gutters and drainage swales to carry rainwater away from the home, like the diagram below.
Ideally, a home on sloped ground should have both a dirt pad and drainage swale, as in the following diagram.
In some areas, wet ground under the home is impossible to avoid during the rainy season. The installation of a moisture barrier on the ground under the home can help reduce the wetness and the resulting moisture rising up to the bottom of the home at the bellyboard (sheet plastic material that seals the bottom of the home). Repairing any openings in the bellyboard will also help to reduce the moisture.
The plastic sheeting, typically 6-mil Visqueen, does not have to be sealed at adjoining pieces. A 12-inch overlap is sufficient.
Once in a blue moon, we come across a home that is so poorly sited that is it just about impossible to fix. We inspected a foreclosure mobile home in Old Town several years ago that was pit-set (installed so that the floor is close to ground level, to look more like a site-built home, with a pit dug under it for access) in a low-lying area where the water table rises up to just below grade in the rainy season.
The bank had posted warnings on both entry doors that the home had a mold infestation, and when we opened the skirting it was clear why: the pit under the home had become a 12-inch deep pond. Mold had ravaged the interior of the home to the point where repair would not be cost-effective compared to replacing it.
But, unless your moisture problem is as severe as that foreclosure mobile, there is a moisture-management solution that will eliminate the wet ground. We suggest calling a reputable, Florida-licensed mobile home installer for further evaluation and repair of the problem.
Also, see our blog posts What are the most common defects in mobile/manufactured home foundation piers? and Is it safe to go under a mobile home?
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Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES:
• How do I determine the age of a very old mobile home?
• What is a "HUD label verification letter" for a mobile/manufactured home?
• Are older mobile homes unsafe?
• What do I need to know about buying a foreclosed mobile home?
• Does it make sense to buy an older mobile home and remodel it?
• Where do I find the vehicle identification number (VIN) on a mobile home?
• How do I find out how old a mobile home is and who manufactured it?
• What is the right price for a used mobile home?
• How energy efficient is a mobile home?
• When were the first double-wide mobile homes manufactured?
• How do I upgrade my old (pre-1976) mobile home to meet HUD standards?
• What size air conditioner is right for my mobile home?
• Can you move an older mobile home in Florida?
• What does the HUD tag look like and where do I find it on a mobile home?
• How can I tell if a mobile home is well constructed?
• How can I tell the difference between a manufactured home and a modular home?
Visit our MOBILE/MANUFACTURED HOMES page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.
Note: All diagrams are from the “Installation Course for Manufactured Housing” manual for installer licensing, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles.

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