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McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Mobile Homes
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
One out of twelve homes in America is a mobile/manufactured home. But there's not a lot of information out there about buying, maintaining, and remodeling one. We have made mobile homes our specialty over the past seventeen years and these blog posts are the result of our extensive experience and research. Click on any question to link to the article.
Buying A Mobile Home
• Where do I find the vehicle identification number (VIN) on a mobile home?
• How do I find out how old a mobile home is and who manufactured it?
• How can I tell if a mobile home is well constructed?
• What is the right price for a used mobile home?
• What are the best tips for buying a used mobile home?
• Are mobile homes well built?
• Does it make sense to buy an older mobile home and remodel it?
• Where can I buy a new mobile home that is only a shell, so I can finish the interior myself?
• What do I need to know about buying a foreclosed mobile home?
• How do I determine the age of a very old mobile home?
• What's the differences between a trailer, a mobile home, a manufactured home, and a modular home?
• What does the HUD tag look like and where do I find it on a mobile home?
• What is a "second set" mobile/manufactured home?
• How can I tell how well a mobile home is insulated?
• How energy efficient is a mobile home?
• What is a pit set mobile home?
• How fireproof is a mobile home?
Mobile Homes And Hurricanes
• How can I tell how hurricane resistant a Florida mobile home is before I buy it?
• How often should mobile home tie-downs be checked?
• What year were mobile homes required to become more storm resistant?
• How much hurricane wind speed can a mobile home survive?
• Which are Wind Zone 3 counties for mobile homes in Florida?
• What is a D-sticker mobile home?
• Why is it a dangerous mistake to attach a carport, porch, or room addition directly to the roof of a mobile home?
Mobile Home Moving and Installation
• Can I install a mobile home myself?
• What are the HUD requirements for site drainage when installing a mobile/manufactured home?
• How much does it cost to move a mobile home?
• Is a ground cover vapor barrier (plastic sheet) required under a new mobile/manufactured home?
• What are the limitations on homesites where a mobile/manufactured home can be located?
• How much venting is required for mobile home skirting?
• Why are there cracks in the wallboard in a mobile home after its moved?
• Is a ground treatment for termites required before installation of a new mobile/manufactured home?
Mobile Home Maintenance
• How do I shut off the main water service in a mobile/manufactured home?
• Is it safe to go under a mobile home?
• Can I put a new asphalt shingle roof over an existing shingle roof on a manufactured/mobile home?
• Can a mobile/manufactured home get termites?
• How can I tell if a water heater is HUD-approved for mobile/manufactured homes?
• How can I make my mobile home more energy efficient?
• How do I look for and find mold in my mobile home?
• Should I add a plastic sheet vapor barrier on the ground under my mobile home?
• Why is it important that a mobile home stay level throughout its lifetime?
• Why is the floor tile cracked in my mobile home?
• How can I remove water under my mobile home?
• What can I do to prevent dampness and mold in my mobile home?
Mobile Home Remodeling and Additions
• What do I need to know about building an addition to a mobile home?
• Can I attach a mobile/manufactured home to my house as an addition?
• Does an addition to a mobile home have to comply with the HUD Code?
• What walls can I remove in a mobile home?
• Can I remodel an old mobile home without a building permit?
• What is a "host beam" at a mobile/manufactured home?
Mobile Home Foundations
• What are the most common defects in mobile/manufactured home foundation piers?
• What are the tie-down requirements for a mobile home?
• What causes a crowned floor in a mobile/manufactured home?
• Can over-tightening mobile home tie-down straps cause the floor to buckle?
• What is the definition of a "permanent foundation" for a mobile/manufactured home?
Mobile Home Inspection
• Can you get a useful mobile home inspection with no electric power or water?
• What does a home inspector check in a mobile home inspection?
• What does a home inspector look for when examining a mobile home crawl space?
• Where do I find the vehicle identification number (VIN) on a mobile home?
• Where do I find the VIN/serial number on a very old (pre-1976) mobile home?
• How much does a mobile home inspection cost?
Florida Mobile Home Standards
• What is a "Florida override" of HUD mobile/manufactured home installation standards?
• Why does Florida have mobile/manufactured home installation standards that exceed HUD requirements?
• What is the maximum spacing for mobile/manufactured home tie-downs in Florida?
• What is the building code for manufactured/mobile homes in Florida?
• Do piers and tie-down anchors have to be approved by the State of Florida for manufactured/mobile home installation in Florida?
Older Mobile Homes
• What are the common problems to look for when buying a mobile home that is older than 40 years?
• Where do I find the VIN/serial number on a very old (pre-1976) mobile home?
• Can you move an older mobile home in Florida?
• Are older mobile homes unsafe?
• What is the life expectancy of a mobile home?
Park Models
• What is a Park Model mobile home?
• Are park trailers and park model recreational vehicles required to have a data plate?
• What is the difference between a park trailer and a park model recreational vehicle?
• How do I upgrade a park model to meet HUD Code for entry into a mobile/manufactured home park?
• Do Park Model trailers have a HUD plate?
Mobile Home Heating, Air Conditioning, and Ventilation
• What is the best air conditioner for a mobile home?
• What size air conditioner is right for my mobile home?
• How can I fix rooms that are too warm or too cold in my mobile home?
• What are the ventilation requirements for bathrooms and kitchens in mobile homes?
Mobile Home Roofing
• What is the stuff you paint an old mobile home metal roof with to extend its life?
• Is a metal roof for a mobile home approved for HUD Wind Zone 3?
• Can I put a new asphalt shingle roof over an existing shingle roof on a manufactured/mobile home?
Mobile Home Water Heaters
• What is the red switch for in my mobile home?
• How can I tell if a water heater is HUD-approved for mobile/manufactured homes?
• Where do I find the water heater in a mobile home?
• What is the difference between a manufactured/mobile home water heater and a regular water heater?
HUD Standards and Forms
• What is a "HUD label verification letter" for a mobile/manufactured home?
• What is a "HUD data plate/performance certificate" for a mobile/manufactured home?
• What are the HUD requirements for selling a remodeled or renovated mobile home?
• What year did HUD first begin enforcing the HUD-code standards for mobile/manufactured homes?
• What is the minimum size of mobile/manufactured home per HUD standards?
• Why is my double-wide considered a HUD home?
• Is it illegal to remove the HUD tag (verification label) from a mobile/manufactured home?
• Does an addition to a mobile home have to comply with the HUD Code?
• How do I upgrade my old (pre-1976) mobile home to meet HUD standards?
• How can I replace a missing HUD tag (HUD Certification Label) for a mobile/manufactured home?
• How do I upgrade a park model to meet HUD Code for entry into a mobile/manufactured home park?
• How can I know if my mobile home meets HUD code?
• What is the HUD-code requirement for lighting in a mobile home?
• What is the HUD-code requirement for whole-house ventilation in a mobile home?
• What are the HUD-code requirements for a mobile home data plate?
• What is the HUD-code requirement for the manufacturer's serial number of a mobile home?
• What is the minimum size of an exterior door to a mobile/manufactured home per HUD-Code?
Mobile Home Manufacturing
• What size wood wall studs are used for a manufactured/mobile home?
• How long does it take to build a mobile/manufactured home?
Mobile Home Electrical
• What is the difference between the electric service to a mobile home and a site built home?
• What is the minimum size electric service to a mobile/manufactured home?
• What would cause half of a double-wide mobile home to lose electric power?
• What are the electrical code standards for a mobile/manufactured home?
• Is aluminum wiring allowed in a mobile/manufactured home?
• How many outdoor receptacle outlets are required for a mobile/manufactured home?
Mobile Home History
• When were the first double-wide mobile homes manufactured?
• What's the difference between a manufactured home and a mobile home?

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