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How can I tell if my pool is leaking?
Saturday, June 8, 2019
A pool leak can be hard to determine because water is continuously evaporating off the surface and lowering the level, especially in the summer months. But the fact that surface evaporation is the same no matter how deep the water is below it, as long as water temperature is the same, makes the task of finding out if your pool is leaking easier. Simply put a 5-gallon bucket filled with water to match the pool around it on a step of the pool. Then wait 24 hours or more and compare levels. They should still be the same or you have a leak.
Also, see our blog post How can I tell if my pool is no longer level?
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Here’s links to a collection of our other blog posts about POOL AND SPA:
• Does an above-ground pool require a building permit?
• Does an above-ground pool have to comply with code requirements for a swimming pool barrier?
• What are the pros and cons of vinyl liner vs fiberglas vs concrete in-ground pools?
• Can a pool with green, cloudy water be inspected?
• Should I refinish-resurface my pool with paint or plaster?
• Why are pool pumps now required to be variable speed?
• Is the deteriorated finish of a concrete pool shell only a cosmetic problem?
• How long does a pool finish last?
• When was it first required for pool pumps to have GFCI protection?
Visit our POOL AND SPA page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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