How To Look At A House

McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of  

site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about “WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN…":

 • What is the difference between what trips a GFCI (ground fault) receptacle and a circuit breaker?

What is the difference between a UL rating for dry, damp, and wet locations?  

What is the difference between the electric service to a mobile home and a site built home?  

What is the difference between a Combination Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (CAFCI) and an Arc Fault Circuit Interrupter (AFCI) circuit breaker? 

What is the difference between "grounded" and "grounding" electrical conductors? 

What is the difference between soil subsidence, heave, creep, and settlement? 

What is the difference between "composite" and regular wood siding? 

What is the difference between an inverter heat pump air conditioner and a conventional one?  

What is the difference between the SEER and EER rating of an air conditioner? 

What is the difference between a heat pump and a cooling air conditioner?  

What is the difference between the "ON" and "AUTO" settings on my thermostat? 

What is the difference between a structural defect and a cosmetic defect? 

What is the difference between EIFS and stucco? 

What is the difference between Acrocrete and EIFS?

What is the difference between prescriptive and performance building codes? 

What is the difference between an FHA inspection and a home inspection?  

What is the difference between a home inspection and a final walkthrough inspection? 

 What is the difference between "serviceable" and "satisfactory" in a home inspection report? 

What is the difference between a building inspector and a home inspector?

What is the difference between a toe nail, clip, single wrap, and double wrap for the wind mitigation form? 

• What’s the difference between a gable and hip roof for my insurance? 

What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal floor framing for a mobile/manufactured home? 

How can I tell the difference between a manufactured home and a modular home? 

What is the difference between a park trailer and a park model recreational vehicle?  

What's the differences between a trailer, a mobile home, a manufactured home, and a modular home? 

What is the difference between a manufactured/mobile home water heater and a regular water heater? 

What is the difference between a sill cock, hose bibb, hose faucet, outdoor faucet, and hose spigot? 

What is the difference between water pipe and sewage (waste) pipe? 

 What is the difference between a vent stack and a stack vent? 

What is the difference between PVC and ABS plumbing pipe?

What is the difference between a plumbing fixture, a plumbing appliance, and a plumbing appurtenance?

What is the difference between water service pipe and water supply pipe?  

What is the difference between gray water and black water in the plumbing code? 

• What is the difference between regular tap water and recycled/reclaimed water for landscape irrigation? 

What is the difference between roll roofing and modified bitumen? 

What is the difference between roofing felt and synthetic underlayment? 

What is the difference between galvanized and galvalume metal roofing? 

What's the difference between a roof inspection and a roofing estimate? 

What's the difference between an "architectural" and a regular shingle roof?  

• What is the difference between a handrail and a guardrail? 

What is the difference between a carport and a garage?  

What is the difference between a subterranean termite and a drywood termite? 

What is the difference between a single element and dual element electric water heater? 

What is the difference between a regular water heater and a direct vent water heater? 

What is the difference berween a regular water heater and a power vent water heater? 

What is the difference between EIFS and stucco?

What is the difference between Acrocrete and EIFS? 

• What is the difference between a material defect and a cosmetic defect in a home inspection? 

• What is the difference between an electrical fault and a short circuit? 

• What is the difference between neutral and ground wires? 

• What is the difference between readily acessible and accessible? 

 What’s the difference between a four-point and wind mitigation inspection?

What is the difference between the HVHZ (High Velocity Hurricane Zone) and the Wind-Borne Debris Region in Florida Building Code? 

• What is the difference between a control joint and an expansion joint? 

• What is the difference between an upflow, downflow, and horizontal air handler or furnace? 

• What is the difference between a fan coil unit (FCU) and an air handling unit (AHU)? 

• What is the difference between a smoke alarm and a fire alarm? 

• What is the difference between a smoke alarm and a heat alarm? 

What is the difference between specified and classified circuit breakers? 

• What is the difference between PVC and CPVC pipe? 

• What is the difference between plywood and OSB?

Water Heaters

Water Heater Age

"What Are The

Signs Of..."

Septic Tank Systems

Structure and Rooms

Plumbing Pipes

Termites, Wood Rot

& Pests



When It First

Became Code

"Should I Buy A..."

Park Model Homes


Shingle Roofs




Wind Mitigation

Roof and Attic

"Does A Home


Pool and Spa

"What Is The Difference Between..."




Concrete and

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Metal Roofs


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Rain Gutters

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Crawl Spaces

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Life Expectancy

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Exterior Walls

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Electrical Receptacle Outlets

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Buying a home in North/Central Florida? Check our price for a  team inspection by two FL-licensed contractors and inspectors. Over 8,500 inspections completed in 20+ years. In a hurry? We will get it done for you.

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