How To Look At A House
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Concrete Block Walls
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Concrete block is a popular building material throughout the Southeast U.S., especially in hurricane-prone areas, Here’s links to answers for the questions we get asked most often about it:
• What are the pros and cons of concrete block versus wood frame construction?
• What causes raised white lines of residue on a block wall that are crusty and crumbling?
• Do stucco walls mean a house is concrete block?
• Why did so many concrete block homes collapse in Mexico Beach during Hurricane Michael?
• What causes stair-step cracks in a block or brick wall?
• What causes a horizontal crack in a block or brick wall?
• What does CBS mean in house construction?
• There's cracks running along a concrete block home's concrete tie beam. What's wrong?
• Should I be suspicious about a concrete block house covered with siding?
• How do I recognize serious structural problems in a house?
• How can I tell if the exterior walls of a house are concrete block (CBS) or wood or brick?
• What causes a vertical crack in an exterior concrete block or brick wall?
• Why do concrete blocks have holes in them?
• I'm buying a concrete block house. Do I still need a termite inspection?
• What is the average life expectancy of a concrete block wall (CMU - Concrete Masonry Unit)?
• What are those powdery white areas on my concrete block wall?

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