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How often does the National Electrical Code (NEC) change?
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The first NEC was published in 1897 and a new edition, updated with changes, is published every three years. As of this writing, the current one is 2020, but the changes at each revision are not immediately adopted all around the country. It is not unusual for some states to still be using an NEC from three editions ago. To learn more, see our blog post Is the latest edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC) the standard used for the electrical system of new homes?
Here’s links to a collection of some of our other blog posts about BUILDING CODES:
• When did the first Florida Building Code (FBC) begin and become effective?
• What is the difference between prescriptive and performance building codes?
• Can a local building department choose to not enforce selected parts of the Florida Building Code?
• Why is the National Electrical Code (NEC) so hard to understand and complicated?
• What is the purpose of the Existing Building Edition of the Florida Building Code?
• What is the most important sentence to know in the entire National Electrical Code (NEC)?

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