How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Do home inspectors do progress inspections for new homes under construction?
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Although all home inspectors will check a newly constructed home for its first owner, not every inspector offers to check a house at key phases of a its construction. That’s because it requires additional knowledge about how the parts of a home hidden in the wall or under the concrete slab should look when done correctly. These areas are not visible during a regular home inspection. Plus, extensive knowledge of building codes and ability to read plans is required, which is not as necessary when inspecting an exisitng home.
Some progess inspections must also be done within a short window of time, such as after the floor slab has been formed, reinforcing placed, and inspected by the local building inspector, but before the concrete truck arrives and covers it all up. This can be a single day, or even just a few hours. Not all home inspectors have a schedule that is flexible enough.
The typical phases that would be inspected are foundation, framing (before drywall, also called “dry-in"), and final, although sometimes additional intermediate site visits are necessary.
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• What can I learn from talking with the seller?
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