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Where are electrical breaker panels not allowed by code?
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
Electrical panels are not allowed in:
•• A location that does not provide a clear working area for access in front of the panel that is 30” wide by 36” deep by 78” high. (International Residential Code, IRC E3405.2). Working area does not have to be centered on panel.
•• A location where the required clear access area is used for stored items or for an appliance like a clothes dryer or washer, even though they are moveable. Quick access to an electrical panel is important in an emergency (IRC E3405.5).
•• Clothes closets (IRC E3405.5). Flammable clothes next to a panel are hazardous.
•• Bathrooms (IRC E3405.5). Wet/damp environment.
•• Over the steps of stairs (IRC E3405.5). Unstable surface for standing.
•• Anywhere that the highest breaker switch will be more than 79” from the floor/ground [IRC E3705.7(6)].
•• In any damp or wet environment, unless panel is rated for outdoor use (National Electrical Code, NEC 110.11).
•• Indoor location without switched lighting serving panel area [IRC 3405.7(6)].
•• Location that does not have at least one accessible entrance to working area [IRC E3405.6 and NEC 110.26(C)(1)]. But locked entrance door is considered accessible [NEC 110.26(F)].
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Llinks to a collection of some of our other blog posts about ELECTRIC PANELS:
• What causes copper wires to turn green or black in an electric panel?
• What is the maximum number of circuit breakers allowed in an electric panel?
• When should a corroded or damaged electric panel cabinet or disconnect box be replaced?
• What is a tandem circuit breaker?
• When did arc fault circuit interrupter (AFCI) breakers first become required?
• Can an electric panel be located in a closet?
• Can an electric panel be located in a bathroom?
• Can you add circuit breakers by different manufacturers to an electric panel if they fit?
• My circuit breaker won't reset. What's wrong?
• What is a split bus electric panel?
• Why are old electrical components not always "grandfathered" as acceptable by home inspectors?
• What happens when you press the "TEST" button on a circuit breaker in an electric panel?
• What is a Dual Function Circuit Interrupter (DFCI)?
• What is the difference between "grounded" and "grounding" electrical conductors?
• What does it mean when a wire is "overstripped" at a circuit breaker?
• Why is an old fuse panel dangerous?
• Who is the manufacturer of those "bad" electric panels?
• Why is the circuit breaker stuck in the middle?
• What is a double tap at a circuit breaker?
• What is the right electric wire size for a circuit breaker in an electric panel?
• What is the life expectancy of a circuit breaker?
• My circuit breaker won't reset. What's wrong?
• Why do some breakers in my electric panel have a "TEST" button on them?
• What is the right size electric panel for a house?
• What is the code required clearance in front of an electric panel?
• What is the main bonding jumper and where do it find it in an electric panel?
Visit our ELECTRIC PANELS page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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