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What is a bell trap at a plumbing drain?
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
A bell trap is essentially a water reservoir cup with a bell shape over it that dips into the cup to form a seal. Although once acceptable and common for a floor drain, it is now prohibited by the Internation Residential Code (IRC P3201.5). Bell traps are not self-scouring, the seal depth is shallow, drains slowly that clogs easily. Earlier versions of this trap, like the one shown at right, had a curved top seal that more closely resembled a bell.
For other prohibited trap designs, see our blog post What plumbing traps are illegal by code?
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Here’s links to a collection of some of our other blog posts about PLUMBING DRAINS AND TRAPS:
• Why is it a problem when a trap under a sink is installed backwards?
• What causes a gurgling sound when a bathtub or sink drains?
• What is a "combination waste and vent" in a plumbing system?
• Why is garbage disposal not allowed at a combination waste and vent (CW&V) under a sink?
• What is a double trap in plumbing?
• Why is the European-style bottle trap not approved by the plumbing codes in the U.S.?
• What is an auto vent, air admittance valve, or check vent?
• Can I make a trap under the sink from straight pipe and 90º elbows?
• What is an "S-Trap" under my sink? Why is it a problem?
• Is a sink required to have a drain stopper?
• Can a laundry sink drain be installed without a trap under it?
• What is a drum trap at a plumbing drain?
• Can a dishwasher drain hose be connected after the sink trap (to the trap arm)?
• What is the minimum and maximum distance a P-trap can be below a sink?
• What is bell trap at a plumbing drain?
Visit our PLUMBING DRAINS AND TRAPS page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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