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Can I get the Florida Building Code (FBC) discount on a wind mitigation form even if the permit application was before March 1, 2002?
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
The biggest single discount on the Florida Wind Mitigation form (OIR-B1-1802)—up to a 68% reduction in the windstorm portion of a homeowner’s insurance policy—is for homes built under the Florida Building Code after it went into effect throughout the state on March 1, 2002. In order to get the discount, the application date for the original building permit must be after March 1, 2002. The permit application date for newer homes is usually easily obtained and documented from the local building department’s database, which is often available online.
An inspector cannot examine a home built earlier and determine that it meets FBC standards because that is not an option on Question #1. Only a permit application date is acceptable. There are two ways Building Code discount question can be handled:
1) Note that the permit was before March 1, 2002.
2) Note that the permit was applied for after March 1, 2002.
If the permit was in 2002 or 2003, then there’s an additional stipulation that the exact date of the permit must also be added.
There is also an alternative for the HVHZ (High Velocity Hurricane Zone), which encompasses only Dade and Broward counties at the bottom of the state on the east coast. Homes with permit applications after September 1, 1994 qualify for the discount and, if the home was built in 1994, 1995, or 1996, the exact date of permit application must be added.
Also see our blog post How long does a wind mitigation inspection remain valid?
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Here’s links to a collection of our blog posts about the WIND MITIGATION FORM:
• Why did I get no discounts or only a small discount from my wind mitigation inspection?
• Who can perform a wind mitigation inspection in Florida?
• How long does it take for a wind mitigation inspection?
• What is checked during a wind mitigation inspection?
• Is a wind mitigation inspection report (OIR-B1-1802) required for homeowners insurance in Florida?
• Which building permit date is used for the Building Code section of the wind mitigation form?
• What are the different roof deck attachment discount categories for a wind mitigation inspection?
• What determines the year of a house?
• Can I do my own wind mitigation inspection?
• What’s the difference between a gable and hip roof for my insurance?
• What is the wind mitigation inspection for homeowner's insurance?
• How can I tell how hurricane resistant a Florida house is before I buy it?
• What is a wind mitigation discount?
• Do I get a a discount for partial hurricane shutters in a Wind Mitigation inspection?
• Why did I get no discount for roof-to-wall-attachment in my Wind Mitigation report?
• What’s the difference between a four-point and wind mitigation inspection?
Visit our INSURANCE page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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