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Does code require a weep screed for stucco over concrete block?
Monday, November 1, 2021
No, a weep screed is only required by the International Residential Code (IRC - R703.2.1) for stucco over a wood stud framed wall, to allow any water that penetrates the stucco layer to drain safely out at the bottom of the wall without damaging the structure. However, some newer concrete block homes in our area have a stucco stop similar to a weep screed to terminate the stucco finish a few inches above the ground.
The weep screed provides an benefit to stucco over block: stucco does not wick moisture up the wall because it does not extend into the ground.
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Here’s links to some of our other blog posts about STUCCO:
• Do stucco walls mean a house is concrete block?
• What causes raised white lines of residue on a block wall that are crusty and crumbling?
• What is the difference between EIFS and stucco?
• How do I pick the right contractor to fix my stucco?
• What is the average life expectancy of stucco?
• How can I tell if a crack in a stucco wall is a structural problem and what is causing it?
• Is the stucco on a wood frame house allowed to extend down into the ground?
• Does stucco need expansion joints?
• What are common problems with stucco?
• Why is stucco that goes into the ground a problem at a wood frame house?
• What are the signs of stucco wall leaks?
Visit our EXTERIOR WALLS & STRUCTURES page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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