How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

How long does tent fumigation keep drywood termites away?
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
While tent fumigation is extremely effective at killing all the drywood termites in a house, it leaves behind no residual chemicals to protect the home. Although theoretically they could move back in the day after the tent is removed, the good news is that drywood termites are much slower than subterranean termites to establish a new colony. They only swarm once a year and are weak, short-distance flyers that must also be lucky enough to land near an entry point into the house structure. Then it takes years after that for them to build up enough numbers to do significant damage. An annual inspection by a licensed pest control operator is your best protection against drywood termites going forward.
Fumigation kills pretty much every living thing inside the house, including ants, roaches, rats, and house plants. But it's not effective against subterranean termites. They live in the ground and, although the gas will kill the subterraneans in the house at the time of the tenting, it does not penetrate deep enough into the soil to kill the entire colony.
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To learn more about TERMITES, WOOD ROT AND OTHER PESTS see these blog posts:
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• How do I safely remove a dead rodent (rat, mouse or squirrel) from the attic?
• Where are the most common places to find wood rot on a house?
• Why is it a mistake to store lumber in the crawl space under a house?
• Does the presence of carpenter ants in a house indicate that there are probably also termites?
• Do carpenter ants cause structural damage to houses in Florida?
• How long before closing can you have a WDO (termite) inspection done?
• How long does Bora-Care® last?
• How do termites infest a house and remain hidden while doing major damage?
• Are homes in Florida required to have termite protection?
• If termite damage appears to be old, does that mean that termites may no longer be present?
• What does roach poop (fecal pellets) look like?
• When do termites swarm in Florida?
• Does a recent termite company inspection sticker mean there are no termites?
• How do termites get into a concrete block house?
• Can a mobile/manufactured home get termites?
• Do I have to tent the house if I have termites?
• What is the difference between a subterranean termite and a drywood termite?
• What are the green plastic discs in the ground around the house?
• How does a home inspector evaluate wood rot?
• Does wood rot spread? Is it contagious?
• How do I treat wood rot that's listed in my termite-WDO report?
• What causes wood rot on a home?
• Do I really need a termite-WDO inspection?
• What's causing those holes in the fascia?
• Does wood chip mulch in the yard attract termites?
• Why is the inspector calling out rotten wood on my termite inspection?
• I think I have termites. What does a termite look like?
• I'm buying a concrete block house. Do I still need a termite inspection?
• I saw a little termite damage on the baseboard. Should I be concerned?
• Is wood rot found on a home inspection considered serious?
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