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What is a hip roof?
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
A hip roof slopes inward on all sides up to a ridge line, or has a pyramid shape if square below. It differs from a gable roof, which slopes inward on only two sides and has a triangle shape “gable end” on two sides.
The hip shape is significant in Florida because a homeowner with a hip roof receives a discount for it on the windstorm portion of their homeowners insurance because the hip roof shape is more hurricane resistant, but it must be documented by a wind mitigation inspection report (OIR-B1-1802) to get the discount.
Here’s a few links to other articles about hip roofs and the requirements for getting the hip roof insurance discount:
• Is a hip roof stronger than a gable roof?
• How can I tell how hurricane resistant a Florida house is before I buy it?
• Does it cost more to roof a hip roof than a gable roof?
• How do I get the hip roof discount for my homeowners windstorm insurance?
• Why didn't I get the hip roof discount on my wind mitigation inspection?
Visit our WIND MITIGATION FORM and HURRICANE RESISTANCE pages for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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