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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Air Conditioning Air Handling Units (AHU)
Monday, August 30, 2021
An air handler is also called the “inside unit” of a split-system air conditioner. Here’s links to a collection of our articles about them:
• What is the required clearance for access and working space in front of a furnace or air handler?
• Will installing a special ultraviolet (UV) light in the air conditioning system kill mold?
• What is the small pipe sticking out of the eaves/soffit under the roof overhang?
• Why can't I use my home's central air conditioning system to cool the garage?
• Does the condenser (outdoor unit) SEER rating determine the SEER of an air conditioning system?
• What is a FanRecycler and AirCycler?
• Why does it take so long to cool a house when an air conditioner has been off for a while?
• What is a return air plenum for a furnace or air conditioning system?
• Why is there a wall switch next to the furnace or indoor unit of the air conditioner in the garage?
• Is it acceptable for an air conditioning condensate drain line to terminate under the house?
• Why does the air conditioner condensate drain line need a trap in it?
• What is the average lifespan of an air conditioner?
• Why is my air conditioner running constantly?
• What is a TX valve or TXV for an air conditioner or heat pump system?
• My air conditioner won't come on after changing the air filter. What's wrong?
• What does an ultraviolet air treatment system do?
• When is an auxiliary drain pan required under an air conditioner indoor unit air handler?
• Can a water heater and air conditioner use the same drain?
• What is an electric heat lock out on a heat pump?
• Can the disconnect for an air handler be inside it?
• Can an air conditioning condensate drain pipe connect to a sink drain?
• How can I make my Florida air conditioner last longer?
• What is the difference between an upflow, downflow, and horizontal air handler or furnace?
• What is the difference between a fan coil unit (FCU) and an air handling unit (AHU)?
• What is the best location for a heat pump air handler (indoor unit)?

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