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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Air Conditioning Condensate Drain Lines
Saturday, September 25, 2021
They drain the water that drips off the evaporator coils in the air handler and, ideally, carry it safely away. But a clogged line leads to a soggy mess under the unit. Here’s links to our articles about a/c condesate drain lines:
• Does code require a p-trap in an a/c condensate drain?
• What is the small pipe sticking out of the eaves/soffit under the roof overhang?
• Is it acceptable for an air conditioning condensate drain line to terminate under the house?
• Why does the air conditioner condensate drain line need a trap in it?
• When is an auxiliary drain pan required under an air conditioner indoor unit air handler?
• Can a water heater and air conditioner use the same drain?
• Can an air conditioning condensate drain pipe connect to a sink drain?

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