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Is it safe to plant a vegetable garden over a septic tank drainfield?
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Unfortunately, putting a vegetable garden over a drainfield is a bad idea. Although a septic system that is working properly will provide almost-clear water with a small amount of organic nutrients, it can also deliver harmful pathogens and the residue of household chemicals and prescription drugs that were flushed down the drain. Also, as the tank fills with solids over time and becomes less efficient, more contaminants will flow into the drainfield.
Raised beds create an additional problem. Drainfields need to be close to the soil surface, and added soil depth slows the necessary evaporation cycle.
See our article What is safe to plant over a septic drainfield to avoid problems?
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Here’s links to some of our other articles about SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS:
• What is the average life expectancy of a septic tank system?
• Should I buy a house with a septic tank?
• What are the building code requirements for gray water reuse in Florida?
• What can I add to my septic tank to help it work better?
• Why do septic tank contractors want you to get rid of your kitchen disposal?
• How can I tell if a house is connected to a septic tank system or sewer?
• How can I locate my septic tank?
• Does a septic tank have to be re-certified if a house has been vacant for a while?
• How often should I pump out the septic tank?
• Should I call a plumber or septic tank contractor when my septic tank backs up into the house?
• Do I have to get a larger septic tank when I build a home addition?
• Where is the septic tank? Are you going to inspect it?
• Can a house have more than one septic tank?
• What is the difference between gray water and black water in the plumbing code?
• Does a home inspector check the septic tank system?
• How far away does a well need to be from a septic system in Florida?
• How do you abandon a septic tank?
• How close can you build a home addition to a septic tank system in Florida?
• Can you build a deck or patio over a septic tank in Florida?
• What is a septic loading dye test?
• What is the average life expectancy of a sewage grinder pump?
• What are the signs of a full septic tank?
• Can heavy rain cause a septic tank back up?
• What is the minimum distance from septic tank to house in Florida?
• Why would a house have a septic mound system?
• When did Florida stop allowing gray water to be used for landscape irrigation?
• What is the minimum soil cover over septic drainfield lateral lines in Florida?
• How much does a septic tank system inspection cost in Florida?

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