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How can I determine the age of a Generac standby generator from the serial number?
Friday, February 4, 2022
The date of manufacture is not encoded into the serial number of a Generac Guardian standby generator. They use a simple, sequential numbering system. To find out how old the generator is, look for the serial number on the data plate at the inside wall of the unit and call the company at 888-GENERAC (888-436-3722). They can find the date of manufacture using the serial number, or even the address of the property if the generator was registered with them after purchase, and most are. Because the company only keeps records back about 12 to 15 years, Generac cannot give you the age if it’s older. But, of course, even that tells you something about the age: it’s really old in generator-years.
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Here’s links to some of our other blog posts about “GENERATORS":
• What is the average life expectancy of a whole-house standby emergency generator?
• What is the best emergency back-up generator for the power outage after a storm?
• Can I run a window air conditioner on a portable generator?
• Can you plug a generator into a wall receptacle outlet?
• Why did my generator hookup get tagged as defective by the home inspector?
• What size generator do I need to run my submersible well pump?
• Can I backfeed generator to house through dryer outlet plug?

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