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Can a HUD Park Model be moved from Florida to another state?
Tuesday, March 22, 2022
The best answer we can give you is “maybe.” A HUD Park Model is a special designation for an RV (recreational vehicle) that is at least 400 square feet and less than 500 square feet, and built to HUD manufactured home standards. But it can only be registered as an RV in the state of Florida.
And, although a HUD Park Model is built to HUD standards and has a bright red HUD-tag affixed to an outside wall to prove it, it is intended as a temporary, seasonal residence, and is much smaller than other homes in manufactured home communities. The state or county jurisdiction, or mobile home park, where you want to move the HUD Park Model may not find it acceptable. Also, HUD Park Models are rated for Florida's Zone South roof load, which means the roof structure is not engineered to accept the weight of snow found in northern states.
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Here’s links to several of our other articles about PARK MODEL HOMES:
• Are park trailers and park model recreational vehicles required to have a data plate?
• What is the difference between a park trailer and a park model recreational vehicle?
• How do I upgrade a park model to met HUD code for entry into a mobile home park?
• What is a Park Model mobile home?
• Do Park Model trailers have a HUD plate?
• What is the minimum size of mobile/manufactured home per HUD standards?
• What is the minimum number of tie-down straps for a park model trailer in Florida?
• Is there a time limit for installation of tie-downs for a park model trailer/RV in Florida?

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