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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Surge Protectors
Thursday, April 14, 2022
There’s about $15,000 worth of electrical equipment in the average home that can be ruined by a surge, according to the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Compared to the cost and inconvenience of having to replace all the major appliances in your home, a few hundred dollars for a surge protector looks like a bargain. And now one is required by code in all new homes.
Here’s links to answers for the most-often-asked questions we get about surge protectors:
• How do I find the right whole house surge protector?
• Why is an undersized wire between a circuit breaker and whole-house surge protector acceptable?
• Can a home surge protector be installed loose in the bottom of an electrical box?
• What is life expectancy of whole house surge protector?
• Does code require a whole-house surge protector for houses?
• Can you plug a surge protector into a two prong outlet?
• Does a whole-house surge protector need a dedicated circuit breaker?
Surge protector graphic courtesy: Electrical Safety Foundation International.

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