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What is code requirement for receptacle outlets at a porch, deck, or balcony?
Monday, April 11, 2022
At least one receptacle outlet is required for any porch, deck, or balcony that is within 4-inches horizontally of a house, according to the 2020 edition of the National Electrical Code [NEC 210.52(E)(3)]. Here’s how it’s stated: "Balconies, decks, and porches that are within 102mm (4 in.) horizontally of a dwelling unit shall have at least one receptacle outlet accessible from the balcony, deck, or porch. The receptacle outlet shall not be located more than 2.0 m (6-1/2 ft) above the balcony, deck, or porch walking surface." Also, like any other exterior receptacle outlet, it must be GFCI-protected.
The wording of this requirement has been tweaked over the last several editions of the the code. Earlier editions had specified that the requirement was only for a balcony, deck, or porch that was directly attached to and accessible from the inside of the residence. Also, the required receptacle outlet had to be located within the perimeter of the balcony, deck, or porch. Now the receptacle outlet only has to be accessible from it.
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To learn more about electrical receptacles outlets, see these other blog posts:
• Is a house required to have outdoor electric receptacle outlets?
• When should I replace electric receptacle outlets?
• Why are some electric receptacle outlets upside down (ground slot up) in a house?
• What is the height requirement for an electric receptacle outlet?
• What is the difference between an electrical receptacle, an outlet, and a plug?
• Where are GFCI receptacle outlets required?
• When were GFCI receptacle outlets first required?
• What is the minimum height for an exterior receptacle outlet?
• How I can tell if a receptacle outlet is tamper resistant?
• What is a false ground, bootleg ground, or cheated ground receptacle?
• How far apart should kitchen counter receptacles be spaced?
Visit our ELECTRICAL page for other related blog posts on this subject, or go to the INDEX for a complete listing of all our articles.

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