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site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Can a mobile home permanent foundation be concrete blocks on pads and screw-in anchors?
Friday, June 17, 2022
HUD requires that a "permanent foundation" for a manufactured/mobile home must be built of durable materials at the homesite. It also has specific, detailed requirements for the foundation construction. And Florida has more stringent standards, known as the “Florida Override,” that must be met for installations within the state. "Crawl space” type foundations utilizing stacked concrete blocks on pads and tie-down straps secured with screw-in soil anchors are acceptable as a permanent foundation, but only if installed per HUD and State of Florida standards, or a design by a licensed professional engineer.
Most mortgage lenders and insurance companies require certification that the installation meets permanent foundation standards by a licensed professional engineer, often called a “foundation cert," before lending or issuing homeowners insurance. These standards were updated by the State of Florida in 1999 and HUD in 2009, so older mobile homes that have not had their foundation upgraded likely will not meet the current standards.
For more details on how HUD defines a permanent foundation, go to our article What is the definition of a "permanent foundation" for a mobile/manufactured home? And our HUD-CODE FOR MOBILE HOMES page has a listing of other HUD-code articles.
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Listed below are links to answers for specific questions about mobile home installation:
• What are the installation requirements for manufactured/mobile homes in Florida?
• What is a "Florida override" of HUD mobile/manufactured home installation standards?
• Do manufactured/mobile homes have more foundation problems than site-built homes?
• What are the most common defects in mobile/manufactured home foundation piers?
• Why does Florida have mobile/manufactured home installation standards that exceed HUD requirements?
• What are the HUD requirements for site drainage when installing a mobile/manufactured home?
• What is the maximum spacing for mobile/manufactured home tie-downs in Florida?
• What are the tie-down requirements for a mobile home?
• Is a ground cover vapor barrier (plastic sheet) required under a new mobile/manufactured home?
• Can you move an older mobile home in Florida?
• Can you move a Wind Zone 1 mobile home to Wind Zone 2 or 3 in Florida?
• What are the limitations on homesites where a mobile/manufactured home can be located?
• Can I install a mobile home myself?
• Does mobile home skirting have to be ventilated?
• What is the definition of a "permanent foundation" for a mobile/manufactured home?
• How many foundation vents are required in the skirting of a mobile/manufactured home?
• What is the minimum number of tie-down straps for a park model trailer in Florida?
• Is there a time limit for installation of tie-downs for a park model trailer/RV in Florida?
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