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Is a park model built to HUD standards?
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Some are built to HUD-code standards, and some are not. Most park models are built to ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standards and allowed to be up to 400 square feet. But there is a special category of park model that can only be licensed as an RV in Florida, and is built to HUD standards. It can be a little larger, up to 500 square feet, and will the familiar red HUD-tag attached to an exterior wall.
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Here’s links to a collection of some of our other blog posts about PARK MODEL HOMES:
• Are park trailers and park model recreational vehicles required to have a data plate?
• What is the difference between a park trailer and a park model recreational vehicle?
• How do I upgrade a park model to met HUD code for entry into a mobile home park?
• What is a Park Model mobile home?
• Do Park Model trailers have a HUD plate?
• What is the minimum size of mobile/manufactured home per HUD standards?
• What is the minimum number of tie-down straps for a park model trailer in Florida?
• Is there a time limit for installation of tie-downs for a park model trailer/RV in Florida?
• Do Park Model homes require two exit/egress doors?
• Can a HUD Park Model be moved from Florida to another state?

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