How To Look At A House
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site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes
What is the HUD requirement for bedroom emergency egress windows for manufactured/mobile homes?
Sunday, October 1, 2023
The HUD-code standard for egress windows for manufactured homes is similar, but not identical, to the code for site-built homes. Every room designed expressly for sleeping must have a window at least 22 inches in the horizontal or vertical smallest dimension and at least 5 square feet in area, with the bottom of the window opening not more than 36 inches above the floor, and the locks and latches which need to be operated to permit exiting not be located more than 54 inches above the finished floor. The 5 square feet must be a clear open area. Also, the window must open directly to the exterior. An exception is allowed when there is an exit door in the sleeping room that meets HUD-code standards.
Although manufactured homes leave the factory complying with this HUD safety standard, it is sometimes eliminated by remodeling or a site-built home addition.
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Here’s links to more of our articles about “HUD-CODE FOR MOBILE HOMES":
• What is the minimum size of a bedroom in a manufactured/mobile home per HUD?
• What are the HUD requirements for site drainage when installing a mobile/manufactured home?
• Is a ground cover vapor barrier (plastic sheet) required under a new mobile/manufactured home?
• How can I tell if a water heater is HUD-approved for mobile/manufactured homes?
• What is a "Florida override" of HUD mobile/manufactured home installation standards?
• How many exterior exit doors are required for a mobile/manufactured home?
• What are the ventilation requirements for bathrooms and kitchens in mobile homes?
• What are the HUD requirements for selling a remodeled or renovated mobile home?
• How can I know if my mobile home meets HUD code?
• Does an addition to a mobile home have to comply with the HUD Code?
• What are the electrical code standards for a mobile/manufactured home?

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