How To Look At A House
McGarry and Madsen's home inspection blog for buyers of
site-built, mobile/manufactured and modular homes

Can vinyl flooring be used outdoors on a deck, patio, or screen porch?
Friday, February 10, 2023
Although vinyl flooring is water-resistant, it can crack or swell under extreme temperature changes. So a sun room where you can close the windows and control the temperature is okay, but an open area that is at the mercy of outdoor weather—like the screened porch entry for a mobile home shown above—is not suitable for vinyl flooring.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Field Guide for Home Inspectors, a quick reference for finding the age of 154 brands of HVAC systems, water heaters, and electrical panels, plus 210 code standards for site-built and manufactured homes, and the life expectancy rating of 195 home components. Available at for $19.95.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Here’s links to some of our other blog posts about “FLOORS":
• Does a home inspector lift up the carpet to look for cracks in the floor?
• Why is the grout cracking and coming loose at my floor tile?
• Why is a garage floor sloped?
• Are old vinyl tile floors dangerous?
• Why is a carpeted bathroom a bad idea?
• How can I identify what kind of wood flooring I am looking at?
• Why does the laminate wood floor move when I walk across it?
• Why does my concrete floor slab sweat and get slippery?
• Why is there a "WARNING! POST-TENSION SLAB" sticker in my house?
• What causes a crowned floor in a mobile/manufactured home?
• Why is the floor tile cracked in my mobile home?

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