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Does a room need a closet to be legally called a bedroom?
Monday, August 7, 2023
A closet is not required by the building code for bedrooms. However, it is expected by most home buyers that a room should have a closet to be called a bedroom. Bedroom closets are something of a modern invention. Homes built prior to 1930 often did not have a closet in all the bedrooms, and clothes were stored in furniture, such as a chifferobe or armoire.
To learn about the things that are required for a room to be called a bedroom, go to our article What are the requirements for a room to be classified as a bedroom?
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Here’s more articles about bedrooms:
• What is the minimum ceiling height in a bedrooms?
• Does a room need a closet to be legally called a bedroom?
• Can you access or exit a bedroom through another bedroom?
• Can a bedroom door open into the garage?
• What are the requirements for a room to be classified as a bedroom?
• Is a furnace allowed in a bedroom, bathroom, or an adjoining closet?
• Should I have a return air vent in the master bedroom?
• What is the purpose of the vent grille over the bedroom door?
• Can an electrical panel be in a bedroom?
• Is it legal to make part of a garage into a bedroom?
• Can you install a gas water heater in a bedroom?
• When were smoke detectors/alarms first required in Florida?
• How many receptacle outlets are required in a bedroom?
• What is the minimum size allowed for a bedroom?
• Why does the bedroom have a light switch but there is no light in the ceiling?

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